99927 in stock
In case you prefer not to connect with your wallet to our website but would rather make a manual transfer on the ERC20 or BEP20 network exclusively from your EVM wallet such as Metamask or Trust Wallet, you can do so to the following official KRYZA Diamond Chain accounts.
For manual deposits, we accept the following cryptocurrencies ERC20 or BEP20
Click on the BSCSCAN or ETHERSCAN image and verify your deposit. If it appears here, there’s nothing else to do but wait until we distribute the presales.
The distribution of coins occurs from the day of listing based on the acquisition time and distribution interval specified during the presale phase.
Purchasing Guide Example
You can make purchases using cryptocurrency via WalletConnect. Below are the instructions for PC,usage. The payment process consists of 3 steps.
On the Private Sale page:
Step 1: Specify the quantity of KRD coins you wish to purchase and click the “BUY KRD Coin” button.
Step 2: Once done, a small window will pop up with the following options: “Select network”: Choose the network you wish to pay on, e.g., Ethereum ERC20. Select your preferred payment network.
Step 3: Then, select the cryptocurrency you want to use for the purchase, e.g., BNB. Once selected,
Step 4: With your chosen wallet, either MetaMask or Trust Wallet, approve the payment. Please note, sometimes MetaMask or Trust Wallet may exit unexpectedly. In such cases, if the window shows “Waiting for approval,” reopen the MetaMask or Trust Wallet app and confirm the payment.
Step 5: Once all steps are successfully completed, you will see the following screens!
Step 6: If you encounter this “error” screen on an iOS device after payment, don’t panic! iOS often displays errors during confirmation, but the transaction is valid. You can easily verify this on Etherscan or BscScan, depending on which network you used! We also receive notifications on the payment page, so rest assured, everyone who makes a purchase during the presale will receive automatic confirmation. So, there’s no need to worry about making any mistakes.
Although all transactions are visible on the blockchain, it’s advisable to take an additional screenshot for your records.
Please note that payments can only be made from EVM-compatible wallets, and KRD tokens will be returned to the same address upon distribution! EVM wallets include Trust Wallet and MetaMask, for example. If you transfer funds from an unsupported source like Binance, you won’t be able to utilize KRD Coin payments, resulting in the loss of your deposit! Ensure that you only deposit from one of the supported wallets. Once a transfer is made, it’s not possible to change the withdrawal wallet address!
KRYZA Diamond operates on its own blockchain, the KRC20 – KRYZA Diamond Chain, which you can easily access through MetaMask or Trust Wallet! If you have any questions, please reach out to [email protected]! It’s important to note that we never reach out to anyone via email or WhatsApp. Always exercise caution and never share your login credentials or transfer funds to anyone unsolicited!
Purchasing Guide Example
You can make purchases using cryptocurrency via WalletConnect. Below are the instructions for Android,usage. The payment process consists of 3 steps.
On the Private Sale page:
Step 1: Specify the quantity of KRD coins you wish to purchase and click the “BUY KRD Coin” button.
Step 2: Once done, a small window will pop up with the following options: “Select network”: Choose the network you wish to pay on, e.g., Ethereum ERC20. Select your preferred payment network.
Step 3: Then, select the cryptocurrency you want to use for the purchase, e.g., BNB. Once selected,
Step 4: With your chosen wallet, either MetaMask or Trust Wallet, approve the payment. Please note, sometimes MetaMask or Trust Wallet may exit unexpectedly. In such cases, if the window shows “Waiting for approval,” reopen the MetaMask or Trust Wallet app and confirm the payment.
Step 5: Once all steps are successfully completed, you will see the following screens!
Although all transactions are visible on the blockchain, it’s advisable to take an additional screenshot for your records.
Please note that payments can only be made from EVM-compatible wallets, and KRD tokens will be returned to the same address upon distribution! EVM wallets include Trust Wallet and MetaMask, for example. If you transfer funds from an unsupported source like Binance, you won’t be able to utilize KRD Coin payments, resulting in the loss of your deposit! Ensure that you only deposit from one of the supported wallets. Once a transfer is made, it’s not possible to change the withdrawal wallet address!
KRYZA Diamond operates on its own blockchain, the KRC20 – KRYZA Diamond Chain, which you can easily access through MetaMask or Trust Wallet! If you have any questions, please reach out to [email protected]! It’s important to note that we never reach out to anyone via email or WhatsApp. Always exercise caution and never share your login credentials or transfer funds to anyone unsolicited!
Purchasing Guide Example
You can make purchases using cryptocurrency via WalletConnect. Below are the instructions for iOS,usage. The payment process consists of 3 steps.
On the Private Sale page:
Step 1: Specify the quantity of KRD coins you wish to purchase and click the “BUY KRD Coin” button.
Step 2: Once done, a small window will pop up with the following options: “Select network”: Choose the network you wish to pay on, e.g., Ethereum ERC20. Select your preferred payment network.
Step 3: Then, select the cryptocurrency you want to use for the purchase, e.g., BNB. Once selected,
Step 4: With your chosen wallet, either MetaMask or Trust Wallet, approve the payment. Please note, sometimes MetaMask or Trust Wallet may exit unexpectedly. In such cases, if the window shows “Waiting for approval,” reopen the MetaMask or Trust Wallet app and confirm the payment.
Step 5: Once all steps are successfully completed, you will see the following screens!
Although all transactions are visible on the blockchain, it’s advisable to take an additional screenshot for your records.
Please note that payments can only be made from EVM-compatible wallets, and KRD tokens will be returned to the same address upon distribution! EVM wallets include Trust Wallet and MetaMask, for example. If you transfer funds from an unsupported source like Binance, you won’t be able to utilize KRD Coin payments, resulting in the loss of your deposit! Ensure that you only deposit from one of the supported wallets. Once a transfer is made, it’s not possible to change the withdrawal wallet address!
KRYZA Diamond operates on its own blockchain, the KRC20 – KRYZA Diamond Chain, which you can easily access through MetaMask or Trust Wallet! If you have any questions, please reach out to [email protected]! It’s important to note that we never reach out to anyone via email or WhatsApp. Always exercise caution and never share your login credentials or transfer funds to anyone unsolicited!
If you’re stuck, feel free to write to us. We will help you resolve any question regarding the KRYZA Diamond pre-purchase. Alternatively, you can check the FAQ section above where many things are thoroughly explained. Common issues include, for example, attaching a wallet – in this case, you could also make a transfer, or issues with phone not prompting trust wallet confirmation, etc. Write to us with confidence, don’t miss out on the purchase! Remember, our first listing goal, our plan, is with MEXC!
Our cryptocurrency assets are not considered financial instruments, electronic money, or structured deposits, and the activities we engage in are not considered regulated activities. Possible legal changes or new regulations may affect the project. We have no intention of misleading or deceiving anyone, but unforeseen circumstances can influence outcomes.
The “roadmap” (development plan or strategic plan) is generally a plan that includes the planned steps, goals, and timeline of a company or project. However, it’s important to note that in reality, changes may occur, and the plan may be modified to adapt to changing circumstances. So, while the roadmap serves as a starting point, it’s not always considered a firmly fixed or permanent thing and can evolve over time.
Additionally, it should be emphasized that listing plans for stock exchanges are just plans, not promises, and they can change. The success of an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) can also influence these plans. In the case of ICOs, market conditions, regulatory changes, or other factors may affect the planned steps, highlighting the need to maintain flexibility in the roadmap to address unforeseen situations.Â
The taxation of cryptocurrencies may vary by country; everyone should consult with their own tax advisor regarding tax-related questions.
For transparency and information related to the project, study and follow the blockchain scanners of KRYZA coins and tokens, the KRYZA social media channels, such as the KRYZA Hungarian group on Meta (Facebook), the official KRYZA Telegram group, and the official KRYZA TikTok channel. We do not assume responsibility for issues arising from not following these channels.
Cryptocurrency asset prices show significant fluctuations. We urge you to assess your investment capabilities rationally and make investment decisions cautiously. The project does not take responsibility for potential losses arising from your decisions and investments.
The information and analyses on the KRYZA platforms and social media channels reflect the opinions of the authors and are not promises, investment analyses, or advice. The suitability of a specific investment can only be determined through an examination tailored to the individual investor, which the project does not undertake and is not suitable for. Therefore, thoroughly research and, if necessary, consult with your personal investment advisor before each investment decision! Â
A kriptovaluta eszközeinket nem tekinthetők pénzügyi eszköznek, elektronikus pénznek vagy strukturált betétnek, és a végzett tevékenységeink nem minősülnek szabályozott tevékenységnek. Esetleges jogi változások vagy új szabályozások befolyásolhatják a projektet. Nem szándékozunk senkit félrevezetni vagy megtéveszteni, de előre nem látható körülmények befolyásolhatják az eredményeket.
Az “útiterv” (fejlesztési terv vagy stratégiai terv) általában egy tervet foglal magában, amely tartalmazza a vállalat vagy projekt tervezett lépéseit, célokat és idÅ‘vonalát. Fontos azonban megjegyezni, hogy a valóságban változások történhetnek, és a terv módosulhat, hogy alkalmazkodjon az aktuális körülményekhez. Tehát, mÃg az útiterv szolgál egy kiindulási pontként, nem mindig tekintik szilárdan rögzÃtett vagy állandó dolognak, és idÅ‘vel fejlÅ‘dhet.
EzenkÃvül hangsúlyozni kell, hogy a listázási tervek a tÅ‘zsdékre csak tervek, nem Ãgérvények, és változhatnak. Az ICO (Initial Coin Offering) sikeressége is befolyásolhatja ezeket a terveket. Az ICO-k esetében a piaci körülmények, jogszabályi változások vagy egyéb tényezÅ‘k is hatással lehetnek a tervezett lépésekre, és ezért az útiterv rugalmasságát kell fenntartani a váratlan helyzetek kezelésére
Országonként a kriptovaluta adózása eltérő lehet, mindenki saját adószakértőjével konzultáljon adózási kérdésekben.
A projekttel kapcsolatos átláthatóság és tájékoztatás érdekében tanulmányozzák és kövessék a KRYZA coin és tokenek blokklánc scannereit, a KRYZA közösségi oldalait, mint például a KRYZA Magyar csoport a Meta-n (Facebookon), a KRYZA hivatalos Telegram csoportját, és a KRYZA hivatalos TikTok csatornáját. Az ezen oldalak követésének elmaradásából fakadó problémákért felelősséget nem vállalunk.
A kriptovaluta eszközök árjegyzése jelentős ingadozást mutat. Arra kérünk, hogy racionálisan értékelje saját befektetési képességeit, és óvatosan hozza meg befektetési döntéseit. A projekt nem vállal felelősséget az ön döntéseiből és befektetéseiből származó esetleges veszteségeiért.
A KRYZA oldalakon és közösségi oldalakon található információk és elemzések az szerzÅ‘k véleményét tükrözik, nem Ãgérvények, befektetési elemzések vagy tanácsok. Egy adott befektetés megfelelÅ‘ségét csak egy a befektetÅ‘ egyedi személyiségéhez igazÃtott vizsgálat alapján lehet meghatározni, amit a projekt nem vállal és ennek nem is felel meg. Ezért minden befektetési döntés elÅ‘tt részletesen tájékozódjon, és szükség esetén konzultáljon személyes befektetési tanácsadójával!Â