Price: $0.008 / 1KRD


Enter (only numbers) how many $ you want to buy token for.

99927 in stock

Minimum price: $50.0000

Connect Wallet: Mobile & PC | MetaMask - ONLY PC | Trust Wallet - ONLY PC

Manual Deposits

In case you prefer not to connect with your wallet to our website but would rather make a manual transfer on the ERC20 or BEP20 network exclusively from your EVM wallet such as Metamask or Trust Wallet, you can do so to the following official KRYZA Diamond Chain accounts.

For manual deposits, we accept the following cryptocurrencies ERC20 or BEP20






Transaction Verification

Click on the BSCSCAN or ETHERSCAN image and verify your deposit. If it appears here, there’s nothing else to do but wait until we distribute the presales.


Please specify exactly how we can help!

If you’re stuck, feel free to write to us. We will help you resolve any question regarding the KRYZA Diamond pre-purchase. Alternatively, you can check the FAQ section above where many things are thoroughly explained. Common issues include, for example, attaching a wallet – in this case, you could also make a transfer, or issues with phone not prompting trust wallet confirmation, etc. Write to us with confidence, don’t miss out on the purchase! Remember, our first listing goal, our plan, is with MEXC!